About Us
Hello, I'm Becky
Hello, I'm Becky the founder of Totally Persians Idaho! As a child growing up I loved being outside, jumping on the trampoline, riding my bike, playing basketball and especially playing with our pets. We had rabbits, turtles, dogs, puppies, cats and lots of kittens (kittens were my favorite)! I spent much of my time making grass nests for the kittens to fall asleep in, taking them on bike rides, dressing them up, and letting them follow me around the yard.
My husband and I live in Melba Idaho, on our family farm, along with our daughter. Our other three children have grown up and moved away. Our oldest daughter is a school teacher, our oldest son is a college student, and our next oldest son is living in S. Africa while serving a mission. Much of their growing up years included animals of all kinds: puppies, kittens, rabbits, horses, cows and calves. Even the calves were dressed up some times. We LOVE animals!
A big part of raising our kittens is preparing them for a loving life in your home. In doing this we focus on socializing and preparing our kittens for many of the common sounds and situations in a home (vacuuming, dog barking, television, etc.). The kittens are held and played with (for short periods of time) from the first day they are born. They are also raised around a dog, other cats and kittens and played with by nieces, nephews and neighbors.
Below are pictured some of our fur babies!!! And our daughter that loved dressing up the calves that are bottle fed.
Totally Persians is located in Melba, Idaho. Melba is a fantastic farming community about 45 minutes south west of Boise near the Snake River and known as the "Seed Heart of America". My husband is a farmer and raises seed crops including sweet corn, beans, and wheat as well as other non-seed crops like alfalfa and sugar beets. Farming is a great lifestyle, especially when raising children.
Photo credit: <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/tractor-field-ai-generated_252054029.htm#fromView=image_search_similar&page=1&position=7&uuid=6ce751f1-0ed1-41f4-97a9-77d136b34e85">Image by vwalakte on Freepik</a>